Geritol Drop
I'm on a quest to
become president of the United States one day. I figured that the people
are tired of hearing the same old speech from each candidate, promising
lower taxes, or better heath care. Real people don't care about that.
Those things don't affect their everyday life!
That's why I'm
attacking the real issues. First issue... old people. It's an epidemic in
this country. Old people are making up the majority of the population and
they're a risk to our way of life. They cause car accidents that kill
people, and they won't stop eating and taking all the medicine from needy
people... like me.
So lets get rid of
them. My plan, is at airports around the country, we have cargo planes
like the one seen below...
We load them up with
Geritol. Post fliers all around the airport stating "Free Geritol!" We
have signs pointed to the cargo hold of the plane, and we load those
elderly folk up. While they're in there stuffing all these free packets in
to their fanny packs, we slam the door shut and take off to a remote
location. Then just like Operation Dumbo Drop, we drop em. On their heads.
With no parachutes. Then some guy with a flame thrower comes by and
incinerates the evidence.
And that's why I'll
be president someday.