

George W. Bush, You're A Retard

For 5 yeas, I've supported 'W' just because he was a "good ol boy" and I like it when a president wants to kick a little ass. But this week has made me question if he even has a functioning brain, or if that mass in his skull is just a fleshy object randomly firing nerves off to make it look like he's a real human being.

Monday Hurricane Katrina hits LA, MS, and AL, but Bushy waits until today to go down there and check things out. Chances are he looked out the window of the Oval Office and saw it was sunny and thought, "what's New Orleans complaining about? Looks fine from here."

In a press briefing he gave this morning before flying to New Orleans, he said this...

"A lot of people are working hard to help those who have been affected, and I want to thank the people for their efforts. The results are not acceptable.
I'm headed down there right now. I'm looking forward to talking to the people on the ground.
I want to assure the people of the affected areas and this country that we'll deploy the assets necessary to get the situation under control, to get the help to the people who have been affected, and that we're beginning long-term planning to help those who have been displaced, as well as long-term planning to help rebuild the communities that have been affected."
~George W. Bush, September 2, 2005

Everywhere you see a period, add in an "um" or "uh," which ever you feel is appropriate. What about him complaining about, "the results are not acceptable"? Hey Bush, that's your fault. Stupid head. How could you possibly go a week without even thinking about what's going on with those people?

How could he? I'll tell you how.

Bush is from Texas, right? Guess who else is? My archenemy, Dr. Phil. That could easily explain why Bush is a retard.

Holy crap they're twins.

Slap a mustache on Bush and give him the same ridiculous haircut that Phil's rockin' and you've got two Texans that don't know shit.



This guy's got the right idea.

In an article I wrote back in April of this year, I highlighted the fact that our administration doesn't want to drill in Alaska for fear of disrupting the wildlife in that state. Once again I say, who cares. Lets drill right through the skull of a baby seal on our way to get oil. I really don't care. I'm putting out $70 a week for gas now, and if prices get up to $4 a gallon, I'll have to start selling off body parts. So I say club the baby seals. Blow away the Caribou in the arctic. Hell, give me an oil rig, I'll do the drilling. If Bush were smart he'd start invading a few more countries for their oil.

